Language Translation

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What is On-site Face to Face Translation Support in Singapore

Posted By Singapore Translators Publised At 02/08/2024

Introduction On-site face-to-face translation support means having a translator with you in person to help people talk to each other. In busy places like Singapore, where many different languages are spoken, this is really important. Whether you are in a hospital, legal office, or business meeting, having a translator there… [..Read More..]

Burmese to English Translation Services for Myanmese Domestic Helpers in Singapore

Posted By Singapore Translators Publised At 02/08/2024

Introduction Burmese domestic helpers in Singapore need to change their documents from Burmese to English for a few important reasons. These documents can include ID papers, work contracts, and other legal papers. Changing these documents to English helps them: Understand their rights and duties clearly. Talk easily with their employers.… [..Read More..]


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