Work Permit Procedure for Performing Artistes

Posted By Singapore Translators | Publised At 26/08/2021
Last Modified: 12th Oct 2023

The Singapore government has made it easier for all the foreign nationals to work in Singapore by applying for a Singapore work permit and passes based on the worker’s skill set and work they intend to do in Singapore. However, every Singapore passes, and permits come with their own application procedures and eligibility criteria.

If you are the performing artiste intending to work in the Singapore public entertainment outlet, then you will require to apply for the Singapore work permit for performing artists. This type of work permit is applied by the potential employer and appointed employment agency (who are willing to hire the foreign worker). Continue reading the guide to know complete details about the Work Permit Procedure for Performing Artist and get all your doubts cleared related to this permit.

Work Permit Procedure for Performing Artistes

Important facts related to the Singapore work permit for a performing artiste

Here are some of the key facts that you must know about a Work Permit Procedure for Performing Artistes. Some of the related facts are as follows:

Who it is for. This Singapore work permit is mainly for the foreign performing artiste serving in qualified public entertainment outlets.

Who can apply? Only the potential employer or the appointed employment agency or agent can apply for the permit for the performing artiste.

Qualifying Salary. There are no such minimum qualifying salaries required

Duration of the work permit. The Singapore work permit for performing artists is only valid for up to 6 months.

Non-Renewable. Unfortunately, this type of Singapore work permit cannot be renewed. Moreover, the pass holders cannot apply for any other type of Singapore work permit up to 1 year after the Singapore work permit for performing artiste expires or is cancelled.

Passes for family. Not available.

Quota and levy: Yes, the employers are deemed for paying Quota and levy for every hired work permit holder.

Medical insurance. The employer needs to apply for medical insurance for the work permit applicant.

Relevant legislation: There is two relevant legislation of the work permit. Two of those are:

  • Conditions of Work Pass
  • Employment of Foreign Manpower Act

Conditions of the Singapore Work Permit for Performing Artiste

Before applying for the work permit for a performing artiste, both potential employer and applicant are required to meet the eligibility criteria.

Conditions for the employer

  • The public entertainment establishment needs to meet a few of the eligibility criteria to hire the performing artiste.
  • The concerned public entertainment establishments need to have the CAT 1 public entertainment license issued by the Singapore police force (SPF).
  • CAT 1 involves the establishment like nightclub, bar, café, snack bar, lounge, pub, discotheque, or restaurant.
  • Public entertainment is also required to provide several things to the applicant, including a number of acts (for music, singing, dancing, gymnastics or acrobatics, etc.). At this venue, Customers perform the act and play recorded music.
  • The potential employer also requires to appoint at least one employee who is being paid the local qualifying salary.
  • The establishment must be operational for at least six hours a day.

In addition to this, the potential employer is also required to acquire the medical insurance on behalf of the applicant, which covers the following things:

  • The medical coverage of at least $15,000 per year.
  • Surgery, hospitalization expenses, and several other situations that might or might not be associated with your work.

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Conditions for the foreign worker

If the foreign worker intends to apply for the Singapore work permit for the performing artiste, then they will require to meet the following conditions:

  • The foreign worker must be a minimum of 18 years of age.
  • The foreign workers are not granted employment in any other occupation that is not a part of the work (performance job), not even in the same establishment.
  • The intending foreign worker willing to apply for the permit will not be granted to apply for any other Singapore work permit for a minimum of the next one year following the expiry of the current permit for the performing artiste.
  • The foreign individuals are required to go for the medical examination by the Singapore registered doctor within two weeks after entering Singapore. The reason behind the medical examination is to determine whether the individual is affected by any infectious disease or perfectly fine to work.

Once you are employed based on a Singapore work permit, there are several additional regulations set up by the Singapore Police force that every foreign worker must comply with. Some of them are:

  • You should not be nasty dressed or exposed.
  • You should not be mingled with the customer present at the performance.
  • You are restricted from making any vulgar or offensive remarks and gestures.


Documents Required for a Singapore Work Permit for Foreign Performing Artiste

The employer sponsoring your Singapore Work Permit application needs to attach few relevant supporting documents while submitting the application. Some of the supporting documents include:

  • A copy of the applicant’s valid passport indicating:
  • Personal details of the applicants for identification.
  • Any modifications were made to the passport.
  • The potential employer sponsoring the application is also required to submit a photocopy of the educational certificate of the applicant.
  • The employer is also required to attach the public entertainment license provided by the Singapore police force.

In case the employer never appointed any foreign workers earlier. In that case, the employer needs to attach the following documents:

  • A printout of the employer’s business profile from the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA).
  • The employer also needs to submit the company’s three most recent monthly central Provident fund contribution statements.
  • If the employers engage in food establishments, they must submit the photocopy of the food establishment license issued by the Singapore government.

While requesting to issue the work permit, the potential employer has to present the following relevant documents:

  • Duly completed work permit application form.

A photocopy of the valid passport indicating the following important information:

  • All the Personal details, including name, nationality, etc., of the applicant.
  • Any changes made to the passport (if applicable).
  • An employer also required to submit be evidence mentioning that the applicant has completed the medical examination.
  • Applicant’s Disembarkation/Embarkation Card.
  • Must submit the completed security bond form, which you can easily get on the ministry of manpower’s official website.

All the document that your employer attach with the application form or while issuing the work permit must be in English. If any of the documents are not English, then it’s better to get them translated by the official translator in Singapore. You connect with a team of Singapore translators for certified translation service at a competitive rate.

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How to Apply for a Singapore Work Permit for Performing Artiste?

The potential employer or the concerned employment agency needs to apply for the work permit on behalf of the applicants. Here is the process of acquiring the work permit for the performing artiste:

Applying for the Work Permit for performing artiste

The employer can apply for a work permit for performing artists online. However, the applicant does not have to be physically present in Singapore during this step of the application process. Some basic steps involved in the application process of work permit are as follows:

  • The employer sponsoring your application needs to submit the application through WP online, i.e., MOM’s online application tool.
  • The application processing fee, i.e., $75, must be paid by the employer sponsoring the work permit application.
  • Once the application is approved, the In-principle approval letter will be issued to you by the employer. The in-principle approval letter grants you to enter Singapore.

The estimated processing time to process the work permit for performing artists is one week. However, if the Ministry of manpower requires additional documents or information for verification, the processing time of the application might get extended.

Prior to the applicant visiting Singapore, the employer sponsoring the application has to apply for the medical insurance on the applicant’s behalf and also buy the security bond (unless you are Malaysian). The security bond is the type of insurance between the employer and the government of Singapore, which indicates that both applicant and the employer will fulfill all the mentioned regulations of the work permit. If any of the work permit rules are broken, the employer has to pay the bond (S$5,000).

Requesting for the Work Permit to be issued

After arriving in Singapore, the applicant has to undergo a medical examination by the Singapore registered doctor within two weeks. Before two weeks get over, the applicant and the employer must request the Singapore work permit card for the performing artiste to get issued. The process of issuance of the work permit also takes place online.

  • The employer needs to apply for the issuance of a Singapore work permit for performing artists via WP online.
  • While requesting the work permit to be issued, the employer is required to present the relevant documents.
  • The employer is also required to pay the work permit issuance fees, i.e., S$100.

After that, the employers are required to take the printout of the notification letter. The letter:

  • Grants the applicant to travel in and out of Singapore unless the work permit card is issued.
  • The letter would indicate to the applicant if they need to get their fingerprints and pictures registered by visiting the MOM Centre.
  • In case the foreign worker is from Malaysia or intending to change the employer, in that case, the employer has to apply for the issuance of the work permit on the same day as mentioned in the In-principle approval letter.

Registering fingerprints and pictures

If it is mentioned in the notification letter that the applicant is required to register the fingerprint and pictures, then you are required to get it done within a week at the Ministry of Manpower service Centre. Therefore, you need to schedule an appointment in advance.

When you visit to register your fingerprints and pictures, then you are required to carry the following documents with you:

  • Your valid passport
  • The appointment letter
  • The provided notification letter
  • Any additional documents if mentioned in the notification letter.

Once your fingerprint and pictures are verified at the MOM service center, you will get the work permit issued within four days.


In this post, we’ll answer some of the most frequently asked questions from performers who are coming into Singapore for work.

Is there a foreign Performing Artiste Quota and Levy?

Yes, the employer gets liable to pay the levy for each foreign performing artiste which they have appointed at their establishment.

However, the employer is not granted to appoint more than eight performing artists for medium-scale establishment. But if the establishment is of a larger scale, the Ministry of manpower can allow them to appoint up to 12 artists. Moreover, the Ministry of manpower checks each application separately.

The levy that needs to be paid by the Singapore employer areas:

  • For the first eight performers, the levy that needs to be paid is S$450 per month.
  • For the 9th performer and subsequent performers, the levy that needs to be paid by the employer is S$750 per month.

Duration of the Work Permit for Performing Artiste

The duration of the work permit for the performing artiste is only valid for a maximum of six months. Once the six months are over, the employer cannot renew the work permit for the performing artiste as this permit is non-renewable.

However, you are not granted to apply for any type of Singapore work permit for a minimum of one year after the expiry of your Singapore work permit for performing artists.

Cancellation of Work Permit for Performing Artiste

The employer must cancel the work permit if foreign workers no longer work for you or when the work permit gets expired. After the work permit is cancelled or expired, you must discard the work permit card from the middle.

Can a Work Permit Holder Get Married in Singapore?

If you presently hold a work permit or are a former work permit holder intending to marry a Singapore citizen or permanent resident, you must get approval from the Ministry of Manpower.

However, you do not require getting approval from the Ministry of Manpower if:

  • You earlier held an employment pass or S pass as the final pass you hold in Singapore.
  • You are a Singapore citizen or permanent resident.
  • You are presently holding an employment pass or S pass.

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The above article has complete details regarding the Singapore work permit for performing artists, which is sufficient to let you understand this permit along with its eligibility criteria and essential facts related to permitting.

Each foreign individual needs to ensure that all the relevant documents to be submitted to support the Singapore work permit for performing artiste application should be in English. For any assistant regarding the translation of foreign language documents into English. Our team of Singapore translators is always ready to assist you by offering top-quality work passes and permits translation services.

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